Retreats and Seminars
Transformational Retreat for Actors 4 day - online course
The ideal tool for Acting (and Life)
The main focus of the technique - "the psycho-physical action" is based on experiencing and understanding the universal thought of a human being and how this thought translates into action - on a physical level. Thus the energy and focus is not put into "creating an emotional experience" by yourself but rather understanding deeply the universe he or she is living in. From a shamanic standpoint it is about understanding THE SACRED SPACE - The Energetic Bubble of Your Character - and HOW he/she "acts" within it BECAUSE of his/her beliefs, archetypes, identities and mind-sets.
By doing so you will encounter your own beliefs, archetypes etc and will be able to take on a new and different perspective on acting.
Each participant will work with the same monologue.
We meet online via Zoom:
Friday 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 pm - 2 pm
Sunday 10 pm - 2 pm
Monday 10 am - 6 pm

Mein Weg als Schauspielerin führte mich in den 1980er Jahren nach New York, wo ich bei den grossartigsten und inspirierendsten Schauspiellehrern und Mentoren studierte, die ich mir wünschen konnte: Allen voran Stella Adler, Uta Hagen, Susan Batson, Diane Kagan und .... unvergesslich ...Geraldine Baron ❤️ (Rest in peace, Geralda!)
Nach meiner Rückkehr aus den USA, gründete ich 1999 die Actors Lodge - jetzt THE LODGE BERLIN.
Seither coache ich Schauspieler, Opernsänger, Regisseure, Autoren und Menschen aus anderen Berufszweigen in Seminaren, Kursen und Trainings und in Einzelsessions. Vorbereitung auf wichtige Castings, Film-TV-Bühnenrollen in one-on-one Sessions - auch online . Beratung in Karrierefragen oder bei lebenswichtigen Entscheidungen gehören ebenso selbstverständlich dazu, wie Lösung von Blockaden auf energetischer Ebene, um maximal auf die bevorstehenden Aufgaben eingestellt zu sein.
Transformational Retreat for Actors 4 day - online course
The ideal tool for Acting (and Life)
The main focus of the technique - "the psycho-physical action" is based on experiencing and understanding the universal thought of a human being and how this thought translates into action - on a physical level. Thus the energy and focus is not put into "creating an emotional experience" by yourself but rather understanding deeply the universe he or she is living in. From a shamanic standpoint it is about understanding THE SACRED SPACE - The Energetic Bubble of Your Character - and HOW he/she "acts" within it BECAUSE of his/her beliefs, archetypes, identities and mind-sets.
By doing so you will encounter your own beliefs, archetypes etc and will be able to take on a new and different perspective on acting.
Each participant will work with the same monologue.
We meet online via Zoom:
Friday 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 pm - 2 pm
Sunday 10 pm - 2 pm
Monday 10 am - 6 pm
Lesson 1
Hightening your Spiritual Concentration
To be able to act one needs to know, how one concentrate on something that does not exist in the material plane.
∆ Exercises to refine your 5 senses
∆ Reality through Imagination
∆ Imitation or Creation
∆ Working on given monologue
∆ What is my paradigm?
Lesson 2
Precision and Security through Character- and Text Analysis
To give YOUR best to the character, exact knowledge of the "essential action" of the scene AND your character is pivotal. With this structure you will learn to conduct yourself from supra-mind.
∆ Belief Systems, Identity and
Circumstances of your character
∆ Define the Spine
∆ The emotional climax
∆ Conflict, Objective and Justification
∆ The "Overall-Action"
∆ "do-able actions" - action verbs
∆ "Acting Score" - Supra Mind in You
Lesson 3
The Energetic Bubble of Your Character
-To be or not to be! Presence requires the awake state of pure Awareness. You need to handle the paradox that to be able to convey the emotions of your character you need to have no attachment to them.
∆ The thoughts of your character
∆ The Energetic Bubble
∆ The "psycho-physical Action"
∆ Non-verbal Transportation of thought
Lesson 4
Playing the symphony of the character
Inner and outer rhythm of your character is determined by many factors. How do you keep aligned to this rhythm, when your scene partner (suddenly) is disconnected and doesn´t "give" you what you need to stay aligned.
∆ Transformation of Character
∆ Transformation of Scene Partner
∆ The "Hidden Wanting"
∆ Allowing Nothingness - the "contentless" scene
Each participants works with a monologue that will be send to them via mail 2 days prior to the beginning of the Seminar.
Auditors can take part for half of the prize. Maximum of 6 active participants and 2 auditors.
The seminar will take place online via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded and are available for download.
€ 1229.-
Application via email to contact@heal-your-soul.com
Please describe where you are coming from and which acting problem you want to transform in this seminar.
".........Stella Adler is basically the founder of modern acting in film. Actors from all over the world have been influenced by her technique. The audience probably is not aware how much gratitude we owe to her and the Russian Theatre. The technique she taught completely changed the art of acting..."
Marlon Brando
Transformational Retreat for Actors 4 day - online course
The ideal tool for Acting (and Life)
The main focus of the technique - "the psycho-physical action" is based on experiencing and understanding the universal thought of a human being and how this thought translates into action - on a physical level. Thus the energy and focus is not put into "creating an emotional experience" by yourself but rather understanding deeply the universe he or she is living in. From a shamanic standpoint it is about understanding THE SACRED SPACE - The Energetic Bubble of Your Character - and HOW he/she "acts" within it BECAUSE of his/her beliefs, archetypes, identities and mind-sets.
By doing so you will encounter your own beliefs, archetypes etc and will be able to take on a new and different perspective on acting.
Each participant will work with the same monologue.
We meet online via Zoom:
Friday 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 pm - 2 pm
Sunday 10 pm - 2 pm
Monday 10 am - 6 pm
Lesson 1
Hightening your Spiritual Concentration
To be able to act one needs to know, how one concentrate on something that does not exist in the material plane.
∆ Exercises to refine your 5 senses
∆ Reality through Imagination
∆ Imitation or Creation
∆ Working on given monologue
∆ What is my paradigm?
Lesson 2
Precision and Security through Character- and Text Analysis
To give YOUR best to the character, exact knowledge of the "essential action" of the scene AND your character is pivotal. With this structure you will learn to conduct yourself from supra-mind.
∆ Belief Systems, Identity and
Circumstances of your character
∆ Define the Spine
∆ The emotional climax
∆ Conflict, Objective and Justification
∆ The "Overall-Action"
∆ "do-able actions" - action verbs
∆ "Acting Score" - Supra Mind in You
Lesson 3
The Energetic Bubble of Your Character
-To be or not to be! Presence requires the awake state of pure Awareness. You need to handle the paradox that to be able to convey the emotions of your character you need to have no attachment to them.
∆ The thoughts of your character
∆ The Energetic Bubble
∆ The "psycho-physical Action"
∆ Non-verbal Transportation of thought
Lesson 4
Playing the symphony of the character
Inner and outer rhythm of your character is determined by many factors. How do you keep aligned to this rhythm, when your scene partner (suddenly) is disconnected and doesn´t "give" you what you need to stay aligned.
∆ Transformation of Character
∆ Transformation of Scene Partner
∆ The "Hidden Wanting"
∆ Allowing Nothingness - the "contentless" scene
Each participants works with a monologue that will be send to them via mail 2 days prior to the beginning of the Seminar.
Auditors can take part for half of the prize. Maximum of 6 active participants and 2 auditors.
The seminar will take place online via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded and are available for download.
€ 1229.-
Application via email to contact@heal-your-soul.com
Please describe where you are coming from and which acting problem you want to transform in this seminar.
".........Stella Adler is basically the founder of modern acting in film. Actors from all over the world have been influenced by her technique. The audience probably is not aware how much gratitude we owe to her and the Russian Theatre. The technique she taught completely changed the art of acting..."
Marlon Brando